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How To Invest In Gold—Whether You’re Playing The Upside Or The Downside: (GDX) - (GLD)

FYI: Gold prices have rallied recently, but the metal’s behavior in recent years makes it a tricky wager for options investors.
Ted Feed for Barrons Magazine


  • Miners are not all equal. Here are (10) mining operations that will be able to dig gold profitably even if gold drops to $550 / OZ.

  • Other interesting mining news. Chimata Gold Corp (CSE: CAT) owes a idle Tin ore that was operational in Africa in the 1990's. Its tin ore tailings dump has a large stockpile of Lithium (Lithium-rich spodumene deposit).
  • @bee: Its tin ore tailings dump has a large stockpile of Lithium (Lithium-rich spodumene deposit). Just proves one mans junk is another mans treasure !
    Good investing, Derf
  • @Derf, word of the day...dump. You can take can leave one...and sometimes you can go back and take (m-ore) out of what you left.
  • If the market takes a serious dump I think weed(s) will be a more profitable investment.
  • edited October 2018
    bee said:

    @Derf, word of the day...dump. You can take can leave one...and sometimes you can go back and take (m-ore) out of what you left.

    @bee, I was vaguely aware Shakespeare uses some word-plays on dump in his works. I believe the term had some kind of musical connotation during his day (perhaps referencing a funeral dirge). Digging deeper, I unearthed the following:

    Shakespeare, in his play Twelfth Night ... makes mention of "merry dumps," "dreary dumps," "deploring dumps," and "doleful dumps" ...

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