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Small-Cap Funds Take A Beating

FYI: Small-cap companies and funds have been buoyed for much of this year by the view that smaller, domestically focused companies were safe from the negative consequences of a trade war. But last week, as the stock market focused on rising interest rates and their impact on growth, small caps tanked.

Click through to see the five best performers last week and then the five worst performers among small-cap funds with more than $100 million in assets. All are in negative territory for the week, it’s just a matter of how negative they are.

Data are from CFRA.

1. Ivy Micro Cap Growth Fund
2. Wasatch Ultra Growth Fund
3. WV Concentrated Equities Fund
4. Royce Special Equity Fund
5 .Cove Street Capital Small Cap Value Fund

1. Osterweis Emerging Opportunity Fund
2. Towle Deep Value Fund
3. Harbor Small Cap Value Fund
4. Invesco Small Cap Value Fund
5. Undiscovered Managers Behavioral Value Fund


  • edited October 2018
    PRDSX 1-month down -6.63% ....6.05% of portf.
    VSCIX 1-month down -6. 6% .......4.22% of portf.
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