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The Stock Market Was Scary This Week. Here Are 5 Mutual Funds For Income Investors

FYI: Investors have plenty of options for income-oriented mutual funds. The table below lists five such portfolios, which are also known as multi-asset income funds.

“Investors really need to look a bit deeper to see exactly what the strategy is to generate that income,” cautions Jeff Holt, director of multi-asset and alternative strategies manager research at Morningstar.


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    Give me a break, Derf
  • You can google the title and open the Barron's link. Most of the time, one can read the entire article.
  • or again try incog / private browser session
  • Old_Skeet owns four of the five funds listed in the article. They are AMECX, BAICX, JNBAX & PGBAX. Wonder if the writer of the article took a peak at my portfolio?
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