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Talk About A Broard Based Selloff: The Only 17 S&P 500 Stocks That Rose Yesterday

FYI: There were just 17—and you know what we mean.

Wednesday was the worst day for U.S. markets in several months, with the S&P 500’s 3.3% decline the index’s sharpest drop since Feb. 8, 2018. All 11 sectors declined, led by technology’s 4.9% drop. Not every stock was down, however: Seventeen of the S&P 500’s 505 components (some companies have multiple share classes, such as Alphabet ’s GOOGL and GOOG) ended the day in the green.


  • The sell off continues today globally. It is funny to see the CNBC guys trying to rationalize the decline.
  • The FED, champions of bond and CD purchasers and devils to loan speculators. Don't you imagine the market will just have a bit of a hissy fit and then resume the climb. I do wonder if part of the allure of small rates with inflation is a correction leveling the middle class.
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