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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Investment Firm Co-Founded By Al Gore Involved In $2.2M Fintech Deal

FYI: Al Gore’s Generation Investment Management LLP and Canadian pension fund Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec teamed up to acquire control of wealth-management services provider FNZ in one of the year’s largest fintech deals.


  • I cant believe it.
    Al must be playing with other people's brains !!
  • How's the world temperature doing? Been a lot cooler lately, has it?
  • @MFO: Members: How easy we forget, remember Al invented the internet !!!
  • edited October 2018
    Ted said:

    @MFO: Members: How easy we forget, remember Al invented the internet !!!

    Reading a certain somebody’s tweets every morning, I’m sure Al regrets having invented the internet very much. He’d rather the guy had only a couple tin cans with a string.
  • @Ted- Read the record, wise guy. He never claimed to have "invented" the internet. He did take credit, and justifiably so, for having promoted the technology through congressional funding.
  • @MFO Members: During the presidential debate, Vice President Gore told the nation, “I will keep Social Security in a lockbox, and that pays down the national debt.” Well, which is it? If you take the Social Security surplus each year and use it to pay down the national debt, you’re not exactly keeping Social Security funds in a lockbox.
    By Peter J. Ferrara
    October 6, 2000 CATO
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