FYI: Fixed income funds posted a positive return of 0.38% on average for Q3 2018
after being underwater for Q2 (-0.25%) and Q1 (-0.56%). The general domestic
taxable fi
xed income funds macro-group recorded the largest increase (+1.31%)
for the quarter among Lipper’s fi
xed income fund macro-groups. Investors
appeared to have an increased appetite for risk; this group was pushed higher by
two peer groups that invest primarily in below-investment-grade debt: High Yield
Funds (+2.10%) and Loan Participation Funds (+1.66%). Also contributing to the
overall increase for the quarter were the investment-grade corporate debt funds
(+0.40%), while the government/Treasury fund (-0.20%), municipal debt fund
(-0.14%), and world income fund (-0.07%) groups were all in the red. At the peer
group level exactly half of Lipper’s fi
xed income fund classifi
cations (24 of 48)
recorded increases for the quarter, led by the aforementioned High Yield Funds