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  • bee October 2018
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Yardeni Report: Stock Market Briefing: S&P 500 Sectors and Industries Profit Margins

edited October 2018 in Fund Discussions
Ed Yardeni is often highlighted here by MFO posters linked by many here:

This morning I stumbled upon this report titled: Stock Market Briefing: S&P 500 Sectors and Industries Profit Margins dated October 4, 2018.

Profit Margins and the price of the S&P 500 Index seem to be "in the moment" indicators and comparing the two seems to be one data point to follow. Since 2017, the S&P 500 index seems to be out pacing (being priced up) above profit margins which is captured in chart 7 (S&P 500 vs trailing profit margins) in his report:

Report (lots of charts):


  • Drilling down into the S&P 500 sectors for recession proof industries (showing little draw down on profit margins during the last two recessions):
    - Tobacco (Consumer Staples)
    - Household Products (Consumer Staples)
    - Healthcare Equipment (Healthcare)
    - Pharmaceutical (Healthcare)
    - Industrial Gases (Materials)

    Surprise (to me):
    - The profit margins for the Health Sector as a whole has steadily fallen from 12.5% (in 1995) to 9% (in 2018)

    Boring, but steady sectors:
    - Healthcare Distribution
    - Drug Retail
    - Glass & Metal Containers

    Oct 3, 2018 follow up report by Ed Yardeni: Performance 2018 S&P 500 Sectors & Industries
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