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M*: 3 New(ish) Gold-Rated Funds: Text & Audio + Video

edited October 2018 in Fund Discussions
FYI: Susan Dziubinski from said, it isn't easy for a fund to earn our top Morningstar fund analyst rating of Gold. Funds that do so are best in breed, models in their respective categories. In fact, fewer than 200 funds across dozens of fund categories earn Gold ratings. Here are three funds that recently joined the Gold-rated fund club.


  • beebee
    edited October 2018
    Let's get some ticker symbols in this article ( I hope I have these correct):

    Fidelity Extended Market Index = FSEMX or FSEVX

    Harbor Bond = HABDX

    Artisan Global Value = ARTGX
  • Ted is also a boy named Sue?
  • @AndyJ: I changed the text, now I hope your happy!

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