FYI: From a seasonal perspective, investors have now cleared what has historically been the worst month of the year for the US equity market (September), and we now enter what is normally the best stretch of the year.
Below is this morning’s snapshot from our interactive Price Database, which shows the median change of the S&P 500 over the next week, month, and 3 months based on the last 10 years worth of price action. Bespoke’s Price Database is available for use by Bespoke Premium and Bespoke Institutional members, and it’s just one of many unique investment tools at their disposal for daily use.
There is green lighting up our gauges! Over the next week (10/1-10/8), the S&P 500 has seen a median gain of 1.18% based on the last 10 years worth of price action. Over the next month, the median change has been +2.72%, and over the next 3 months (10/1-12/31), the gain has been +7.07% The 3-month return of +7.07% represents “Perfect” seasonals, meaning it’s the best stretch of the calendar year compared to all other 3-month periods.