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The Stock Market Follows a Pattern In Election Years. Maybe Not This Time

FYI: Markets are by their very nature unruly, but they tend to follow some unwritten rules. For instance, the S&P 500has typically followed a pattern around federal election cycles, rising the least in years when voters head to polls, and rising the most in off years. This year, however, hasn’t followed that pattern. As a result, the good times that normally follow an election might not be as good after November’s midterm elections.


  • A subscription required read.
  • @Old_Skeet: OK ! OK ! we get it, you don't have a subscription to Barron's. Therefore I suggest you sell one of your 6,789 mutual funds and get Barron's for eight weeks for only $1.00 buck, cancel at any time.
  • Thanks @Ted: I'll put your suggetion under advisement. Skeet
  • I click the link and I see the article, this post and others I've tried. I have no subscription.

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