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Lewis Braham: 7 Real Estate Stocks To Ride A Retail Comeback: (MGLAX)

FYI: You’d have to be a real contrarian to bet on shopping malls today. To many consumers used to the convenience of clicking “Buy,” the sentence “Let’s go to the mall” is a punchline—so much so that it became a running gag on the sitcom How I Met Your Mother, in which one character had a previous life as a Canadian pop star whose big hit was called “Let’s Go to the Mall.” The rest of the crew on the show viewed that as more embarrassing than acting in porn.

With such a cultural bias against malls as relics of a previrtual age, it’s little wonder that the average retail/mall real estate investment trust, or REIT, has only a 1% three-year annualized return—a fraction of’s(ticker: AMZN) gravity-defying 56%.

M* Snapshot MGLAX:

M* Snapshot MGLAX:

MGLAX Is Ranked #2 In The (G/RE) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:


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