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Wells Fargo's Ognar Wins By Avoiding Flash-In-The-Pan Stocks: (SGRAX)

FYI: When it comes to growth stocks, Wells Fargo funds' Thomas Ognar is not interested in flash-in-the-pan fads. He seeks stocks whose earnings growth has legs.

M* Snapshot SGRAX:

Lipper Snapshot SGRAX:

SGRAX Is Ranked #120 In The (LCG) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:


  • edited September 2018
    Old_Skeet's picks (LCG) over this fund are the one's I own (SPECX, AGTHX & AMCPX) plus SHRAX.

    Remember ... Well Fargo's ticker symbol is WFC ... (We Fleece Customers). And, they have been known to do this to a good number of folks.
  • @Old_Skeet- Not at all sure that the "F" stands for "Fleece".
  • @MFO Members: Like Old_Skeet SGRAX would not be my choice for a LCG fund. However, to couple Tom Ognar, SGRAX Manager, with problems involving the Wells Fargo Bank is totally unfair. Never through out the baby with the bath water !
  • @Ted- Your point is a good one.
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