FYI: According to Charles Schwab’s SDBA Indicators ReportTM, an industry-leading benchmark on retirement plan participant investment activity within self-directed brokerage accounts (SDBAs), Millennials allocated a larger percentage of their portfolios to ETFs and cash than did other generations during the second quarter of 2018, while mutual funds remained the largest holding in the accounts of all generations.
SDBAs are brokerage accounts within retirement plans, including 401(k) and other types of retirement plans, which participants can use to invest in stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds and other securities that are not part of their retirement plan's core investment offerings. Baby Boomers made up approximately 42% of SDBA participants, followed by Gen X (40%) and Millennials (11%).
According to the Schwab data, mutual funds continued to hold the highest percentage of participant assets, with Baby Boomers allocating approximately 39 percent of their portfolios to them, followed by Gen X at 36 percent and Millennials at 32 percent. Equities were the second-largest allocation for all portfolios, with Gen X allocating approximately 30 percent of their portfolios to them, compared to Baby Boomers at 29 percent and Millennials at 27 percent.
Ted Schwab Self-Directed Brokerage Account Indicators: Top Ten Equity, ETF, Mutual Fund, and Fund Families Holdings