FYI: ( Below I have linked the actual returns of the S&P 500 since 1992. During this period of time the index has been down only four of the years.)
It’s been more than 25 years since the stock market’s long-term trailing return was as low as it is today.
Ted 7.49%
1993 9.97%
1994 1.33%
1995 37.20%
1996 22.68%
1997 33.10%
1998 28.34%
1999 20.89%
2000 -9.03%
2001 -11.85%
2002 -21.97%
2003 28.36%
2004 10.74%
2005 4.83%
2006 15.61%
2007 5.48%
2008 -36.55%
2009 25.94%
2010 14.82%
2011 2.10%
2012 15.89%
2013 32.15%
2014 13.52%
2015 1.38%
2016 11.77%
2017 21.64%
2018 9.56% YTD