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ETF Of The Week: Long Term Treasuries Hot: (TLT)

FYI: Ahead of this month's Fed meeting, it seems investors are betting on low rates.

After a fairly anemic summer of inflows, the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) has suddenly begun raking in cash. The flows began the day after Labor Day:


  • I won't disagree that rates may indeed remain low; but I don't see a trend yet for most i.g. bonds; although the declines for the most part have subsided.
    A chart here for 4 i.g. bond groups.
  • I don’t understand the anemic returns on ultra short stuff - with the 10 year near 3%. If the curve is relatively flattish, I’d expect cash to be yielding north of 2%. It ain’t as far as I can tell - but I’m not very knowledgeable on the topic.

    If the short stuff were to get above 3%, I’d expect lot more investors to start to move there from riskier assets.
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