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M*: The Terrific 28

edited September 2018 in Fund Discussions
FYI: (Revised, at one time I owned Vanguard Wellington.)

It’s time once more for Russel's annual screen for fantastic funds. With just a few key screens, he pared down the universe of more than 8,000 mutual funds to just 28.


  • edited September 2018
    Old_Skeet owns five of the twenty eight funds that made the list. They are CWGIX, AMECX, CABIX, ANWPX & ABALX. All have been held for a good number of years.
  • Wonder how DSEEX got screened out --- because not exactly active management?
  • Did you take a close look at the criteria?
    No institutional share classes. I exclude these to help you get a list you can use. (I allow funds called institutional if the minimum investment is $25,000 or less.)
    Maybe you were just lax with your tickers, and you meant DSENX. We can work with that.
    We still don't have to look very far. Start with the first criterion:
    Cheapest quintile of broad level category groupings.
    DSENX ain't cheap. "[A]ll large-cap U.S. equity funds are in one grouping." M* says that DSENX's 0.81% ER (prospectus)/0.79% (annual report) rates "average" among "Large cap no load" funds.

    Moving on to the second criterion:
    Manager investment of more than $1 million in the fund.
    You invest in this fund, so you're probably aware of these figures. Grundlach has put not a dime into this fund. Garza, who doesn't even manage the fund (he manages DMLIX), has put in more money than that. At least Sherman has invested six figures, but not even half the million bucks required to qualify for M*'s list.

    I could go on.
  • edited September 2018
    tnx, when I looked not closely at criteria I was thinking that I'd read Sherman had more than that invested, and I mistook DSEEX below-average fee level as applicable.

    Manager tenure excludes it from the getgo.
  • We own a couple there also: CWGIX and ABALX, and have owned CAIBX, ANWPX, AWSHX and AMECX on and off over the years. Of those all were decent performers except AMECX. I can't imagine why that one is supposed to be so great.
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