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SStocks Near Record Highs, but Risks Continue to Mount

By Justin Kuepper | August 31, 2018 — 6:44 PM EDT

The S&P 500 index reached an all-time high last Wednesday, which helped stocks close the week and month on a positive note


  • @johnN: With all due respect, this is last weeks news !
  • edited September 2018
    Is there some rule that we can only post this week’
  • TedTed
    edited September 2018
    @hank: Not if you don't mind hearing this !!
  • Seems to me that it's pretty much this week's news as well.
  • @Ted: An excerpt from a current Washington Post Article:

    "Turkey’s woes could be just the start as record global debt bills come due"

    "Ten years after the worst financial panic since the 1930s, growing debt burdens in key developing economies are fueling fears of a new crisis. For now, few experts think that a broader crisis is imminent. But the danger of a financial contagion should be taken more seriously in light of a massive increase in global debt since the 2008 downturn, the economists said."
  • @Old-Joe: Taking into consideration I'm not dealing with someone who is playing with a full deck of cards, what the hell does your reference to a Washington Post article have to do with johnN rehash of last week's market highs ?
  • edited September 2018
    @Ted: This time is different, right? If the relationship between "The S&P 500 index reached an all-time high last Wednesday, which helped stocks close the week and month on a positive note " and "Turkey’s woes could be just the start as record global debt bills come due" eludes you perhaps you need to read a little history of recessionary triggering events. You do still read books, I hope.

    My card deck is just fine, as evidenced by the fact that no one needs to continually remind me that I'm not in charge of anything at MFO, but thanks anyway for your concern. I still hope for improvement at your end, despite all of the signs to the contrary.

    Just out of mild curiosity, what did you do before you belatedly discovered little yellow circles with frowns inside? Those things are certainly powerful illiteracy devices.
  • Old-Joe: That's you on the right, isn't it ?
  • Is commentary from Friday old news? As an FYI, it's only Monday.
  • edited September 2018
    hank said:

    Is there some rule that we can only post this week’

    wait, what about next week's news?

  • @Ted makes and breaks so many rules that he sometimes loses track of himself. Not uncommon with advanced age, I understand.
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