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Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains – Anyone Investing here?

edited September 2018 in Fund Discussions
This is a PPT presentation on cryptocurrencies which are digital assets and blockchain technology which is a distributed digital ledger technology. The term "Fintech" combines finance and technology. A lot to learn in this disruptive trend in technology.

Anyone investing in these areas through mutual funds or etfs?



  • I think blockchain technology is actually the real deal. Not quite sure how to invest in it, except through the big tech companies. That's pretty much what the blockchain ETFs do.
  • Blockchain technology: investing, maybe.
    Cryptocurrencies: gambling, for sure. (Says me, who just bought some MJ, just for the hell of it.) :)
  • As the recent bitcoin quip explained, 'imagine if keeping your car idling 24/7 produced solved sudokus you could trade for heroin'.

    Detailed and precise ledger tracking, otoh, is the real deal, yes.
  • Bitcoin has too many ups and downs this year. Still wonder if that is a viable and widely adopted currency.

    On the other hand, Warren Buffet found an Amazon-like stock in India, Paytm, and have invested a small stake.
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