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In this Discussion

  • hank August 2018
  • msf August 2018
  • Ted August 2018
Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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  • TedTed
    edited August 2018
    @MFO Members:(If its worth doing, its worth doing right !)

    The mutual fund industry currently has $18.9 trillion in total assets, $10.8 trillion of which is held by 10 companies. Here’s a look at the giants of a gigantic industry. Asset figures are through June 30 and were provided by the Investment Company Institute.
    The fund companies are ranked by total mutual fund assets, excluding exchange-traded-fund assets.
    The totals include long-term assets in stock and bond mutual funds, as well as short-term assets in cash management funds.
    1. Vanguard Group
    2. Fidelity Investments
    3. Capital Research & Management
    4. T. Rowe Price
    5. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
    6. BlackRock
    7. Nuveen
    8. Dimensional Funds
    9. Franklin Templeton Investments
    10. Pimco Funds
  • edited August 2018
    Yikes - T. Rowe is right up there. Looks like all, or mostly all, are publically owned. Never fully understood how Vanguard works except that it’s investor owned - possibly in the same way credit unions are owned by their members?

    (I stand corrected - Fidelity is privately owned.)
  • Vanguard is owned by its funds - not publically owned.
    Fidelity is private - Johnson family, plus.
    Capital Research - private
    Nuveen - owned by TIAA, a not-for-profit company
    Dimensional Fund Advisors, LP - private
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