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Barron's Cover Story: The Videogame Industry Reaches For The Cloud: (GAMR)

FYI: (The Linkster says, buying GAMR gets you banned from MFO for life. Just thinking about it, suspended for six months.)

With a few squiggles of her electronic pen and nine seconds of computer processing, a data scientist at the Electronic Arts campus here created a life-like mountain range for video gaming. Typically, modeling that terrain by hand would take two weeks.

At another booth at the game maker’s in-house innovation fair, a team used artificial intelligence to simulate boisterous sports announcers, including one that sounded just like the company’s CEO, Andrew Wilson, Australian accent and all.

M* Snapshot GAMR:

A Videogame ETF? Save Your Cash:


  • Wish I have time to play video games, especially flight simulations. Kids came and our priories changed for the better.
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