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High-yield fixed income continues its winning ways

By Trilbe Wynne · August 20, 2018 12:01 am
Morningstar's Emory Zink
Morningstar’s Emory Zink

High-yield bond strategies led the list of top fixed-income performers for the second consecutive quarter, taking seven of the top 10 spots for the year ended June 30, according to Morningstar Inc.'s separate account/collective investment trust database.


  • edited August 2018
    Through today YTD the average high yield junk bond fund is up 1.05%. Some of the better managed ones of course are outperforming the average. But overall I would say “barely” continuing its winning ways. Been a lot better places to be in Bondland in 2018.
  • @MFO Members: Speaking of high-yield, on 2/8/17 I bought 50 Hertz 7.375% B3 1/15/21 bonds at slight discount of $98.12. The bonds closed yesterday @ 100.750. So far so good.
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