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  • bee August 2018
Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Sector Performance Breakdown Since The 1/26 Peak: Utilities + 4.99%

FYI: The waiting game for new highs in the S&P 500 continues has lasted a bit longer than it was looking like it would last at this point a week ago. Even though the S&P 500 hasn’t moved much at the index level, though, many of its components have seen big moves. The table below summarizes the average performance of individual S&P 500 components grouped according to sector since the 1/26 closing high. Leading the way higher, Utilities have been the leading sector with an average gain of just under 5%, but right on the Utilities sector’s heels is Technology where stocks in the sector are up an average of 4.2%. Besides these two sectors, the only two other sectors where the average stock is up since 1/26 are Real Estate and Energy. To the downside, in three sectors (Consumer Staples, Materials, and Financials), the average stock is down over 7%. That’s quite an average decline for an index that is within 2% of record highs.


  • beebee
    edited August 2018
    FSUTX has done very well compared to the Utility Index:

    FSRPX has buck the trend of (87% Consumer Cyclical & 10% Consumer Defensive) as a result of their choices / weighting in this sector.
  • Tough holdings for me since 1/26/2018:
    SFGIX (actively managed) & VWO (EMM Index)- Both down almost 15 % in steady decline. Active management doesn't seem to be offering much downside protection:
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