A one hour discussion/call-in, aired August 5, 2018.
Like most Washington Journal programs, a civilized, fact-based presentation.
https://www.c-span.org/video/?449304-3/washington-journal-charles-blahous-emily-gee-discuss-medicare-all-system-work-united-statesSome items that caught my attention:
- Utilization (and costs) increase when there are no costs to patients (copays, coinsurance, deductibles)
- Some expenditures are not cost effective but may still be desirable (to improve quality of life)
- Many paths to universal coverage; single payer is just one; Medicare/Medicare Adv is public/private
- Currently, 28M w/o any insurance, many insured cannot afford to use the coverage they do have
- Cost containment is politically difficult, e.g. Independent Payment Advisory Board was deferred then repealed (my comment: see also Cadillac tax)