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Morgan Stanley GIC Weekly: 7/23/17

FYI: Sorry, should have linked this on Monday !

What Is The Yield Curve Telling Us ?


  • beebee
    edited July 2018
    From @Ted's link:
    Consider sticking with equity exposure, albeit more skewed to sectors like consumer staples, telecom and utilities
    Your choices for these sectors?

    consumer staples (consumer defense) - VCSAX
    telecom (communications) - PRMTX
    utilities - FSUTX
    Both Telecom & Utes - FIUIX

    Best Funds by sector weighting:
  • VCSAX has a 100k minimum at Vanguard, but VDC etf is available. RYCIX definately a better choice than the amazingly disappointing FDFAX. For global consumer funds, MSFBX and PGLOX are options.
  • beebee
    edited July 2018
    @carew388, good catch with VDC as an alternative...I would be short VCSAX's minimum as well. PGLOX is a short lived fund from (17 $M AUM), but a great pedigree mutual fund house. Thanks.

    Even with its 1.05 % ER, PGLOX has clocked VDC:
  • PGLOX is a new fund that started in 2017. Lots to like with small AUM, $17.3M. The #1 holding is Amazon (10%) that likely to contribute to the outperformance over VDC.
  • IIRC, PGLOX comprises both Consumer Staple and Discretionary stocks, which may explain its performance so far.
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