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2.5 Billion Pounds of Meat Piles Up in U.S. as Exports Slow

A current article in The Wall Street Journal is reporting that "Profits and prices are threatened as record amounts of red meat and poultry fill U.S. warehouses".

"U.S. consumers’ appetite for meat is growing, but not fast enough to keep up with record production of hogs and chickens. That leaves the U.S. meat industry increasingly reliant on exports, but Mexico and China—among the largest foreign buyers of U.S. meat—have both set tariffs on U.S. pork products in response to U.S. tariffs on steel, aluminum and other goods. U.S. hams, chops and livers have become sharply more expensive in those markets, which is starting to slow sales, industry officials said."

(Emphasis added.)

Note: if anyone can suggest causative factors here other than the direct actions of the Dear Leader please so advise.


  • This may not be good for meat packing houses and their earnings. Below are some of the publicly trades stocks - watch their earnings as we are in the midst of reporting now.
  • You can only stockpile meat (fresh or frozen) for so long. Has anyone noticed prices dropping for chicken, beef and pork in their local grocery stores?
  • No. We are talking about billion pounds of chicken, beef and pork. In the meantime, what can the meat producers to do for NEXT year if there is already a boat-loaded of old meats in your refrigerators.
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