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Old Guys In Florida’ Wonder If Cash Is Still Trash: Money Market Funds

FYI: Money-market fund returns and other cash equivalents haven’t looked this attractive since before the global financial crisis.

That has some investors rediscovering the once popular destination for parking money during times of uncertainty, especially now with equities flirting with record highs and the Federal Reserve committed to raising short-term interest rates even more. No greater authority than BlackRock Inc.’s Larry Fink pointed out during a Bloomberg Television interview that cash equivalents are an attractive place to camp out.


  • I'm still in bond funds, and certainly not all in investment grade. I'm growing cash, but with a non-investing goal in mind. Which means there's no spare cash that I myself control, waiting for an opportunity. My fund managers do hold some cash. I suppose they will strategically deploy it.
  • edited July 2018
    It is not only old guys in Florida that wonder this; but, elsewhere as well. Cash is part of my asset allocation which consist of a CD Ladder, Money Market Funds and good old hard currency "Cash".

    Within my portfolio my cash investment sleeve consist of a bank savings account, money market mutual funds, and a cd ladder. While my demand cash sleeve consist of cash which I hold to make cash disbursements when warranted and for investment opportunity.
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