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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Two Absolute Return Strategies For Uncertain Markets

FYI: For U.S. equity investors, 2017 was about as good as it gets. The S&P 500 Index generated a return of 19.42 percent, posting gains in every single month of the year while avoiding any meaningful pullbacks. Furthermore, volatility, as measured by the VIX, was at historically low levels for much of the year. Thus far, the market environment in 2018 has proven significantly more difficult, and your clients may have questions about how to respond. In a time of lower returns and higher volatility, I believe absolute return strategies may offer an answer.


  • Per M*, 5 year annualized returns for "Equity Market Neutral" funds category = .75%

    Not going to chase data for Global Macro.

    The writer is an Invesco strategist in Alternative investments.
    I'm reading, infomercial with this.
  • @csatch22: It beats the crap that was posted on a Mutual Fund Discussion Board earlier this morning. Lead, follow, or get out of the way !!!!!!!!!!!
  • Have a reference to earlier this morning???
  • @catch22: Borderline Treason: Trump Denies United States Intelligence Findings
    Republican Patriots
    From Fox News
    Trump administration deals another blow to Obamacare
    Joe Biden on today's events
    Got the picture !!!
  • soy revenues must be suffering
  • Oh, those.
    What do you think Geo. C. Scott or General Geo. S. Patton would comment about the POTUS comments from Helsinki, that he (POTUS) believes Putin over U.S. Intelligence Agency(s) determinations?
    I'll end with this: "Country Over Party, Always". Gov. John Kasich borrowed this statement from a fellow Republican.
  • Catch22: I new you would miss the point. Its not about Geo. C. Scott or General Geo. S. Patton, or POTUS. Its the fact that political or religious views don't belong on a Mutual Fund Discussion. What's so hard to understand !!!
  • edited July 2018
    Politics is fully relevant to investing.

    If you dig down into the some of the current ending comments in the "blow to Obamacare" thread, you will indeed find investing as related to events that come forth from the political side of our lives.
    These "events" are all around us; and if they were music, all one needs to do is "listen".

    And it is okay that you may skip the question about the 2 Geo's.

    Just gotta add about that Bill Gross/pad investment link......have not been able to yet take an actionable investment path on that one.
  • I track a number of alternate funds for several years but never invest in them for obvious reasons - high fees and dismal returns. We decided it was better to have cash/cash equivalent now that the interest rates are more attractive.

  • The closest i get to alt funds ins VMVFX and TQGEX - which are mainly 'factor' funds and not true alts. I agree w/Sven these things are costly, lackluster, and likely only attractive to the so-called 'smart money' in the retail space (ie, folks who think they're more competent/sophisticated investors than they really are and who fall for slick markting hype)
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