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Jeffery Saut: Stealth Bull Market? Text Or Audio

FYI: On CNBC last Friday, we stated that we have been in a stealth bull market. Indeed, after anticipating the stock market’s bottom in early February, the stealth bull market emerged. So what’s a stealth bull market? Well, while the major market indices are marginally better year-to-date (YTD), many of the other indices are up double digits. For example, the D-J Industrial Average is up some 1.21% YTD, while the S&P Small Cap 600 is up 11.70%, the NASDAQ Composite has rallied 13.36%, the NASDAQ 100 +15.31%, well you get the idea. Moreover, many of those indices have tagged new all-time highs, as have most of the Advance/Decline Lines. As our friend Leon Tuey writes:


  • Maybe it is a "stealth bull." I have been adding to my portfolio this year, but only minimally. Still re-investing all profit. My portf. is right now approaching the January highs. But there's a tonne of volatility, much more than before His Goofiness moved into the Executive Mansion.
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