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Don’t Punish Your Kids: Teach Them This Financial Lesson

FYI: When my nephews, Tyler and Adam, were six and eight years old respectively, I helped them start a portfolio of index funds. At the time, their mother insisted they split their weekly allowance three ways: a third for spending, a third for charity and a third for investing.


  • edited July 2018
    Wonder, was the minor/custodial account a Roth IRA?
  • a third for charity? that's rich
  • @Catch22: " Wonder, was the minor/custodial account a Roth IRA?" Why don't you E-Mail Andrew Hallam @AssetBuilder.Com and find out !
  • Ya. I don't do that for such a circumstance. I have more than enough of my own contacts and don't choose to start receiving email from their site, too.
  • edited July 2018
    catch22 said:

    Ya. I don't do that for such a circumstance. I have more than enough of my own contacts and don't choose to start receiving email from their site, too.

    Ain’t that the truth! Anyway, @Ted provided the link. So he should be the one to follow through and entertain our questions.:)
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