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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Here’s A Hedge For Investors Against Inflated FAANG Stocks: (MRESX)


  • FYI: Commericial Real Estate bubble may be about to pop.

    I think I will write a bot. It will google for 10 choice words daily and automatically post links to articles resulting from the search to MFO. Then I will be lauded as Linkster Extraordinaire. Oh, the joy!

    No I won't. I don't know why I won't, really, but I won't.

    This is what I'm going to do now. I'm just going put a mental filter on posters and not read 90% of MFO.
  • "90% of MFO"

    @VintageFreak- all you need to do is skip Ted and you're at 90% right there.
  • Anyhow, MRESX: Look at those dividends. I'd want to hold something that would give me a more reliable, predictable div. Never had any luck with R.E. funds, anyhow. Any R.E. I currently own is decided upon by my fund managers. Currently, it's just 2.85% of all my stocks.
  • Roughly 10% of my portfolio consists of REM, O, STWD, NRZ and WPC. They all have been long term positions held to contribute to a dividend growth portfolio. I haven't checked but I believe that you will find them also in many income builder funds and also equity income funds. Income is good.
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