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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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never sell, as the hopeful saying goes

Sorting through old basement boxes I came across my IRS returns as an adolescent, prepared by my father, from the early 1960s.
Along with W2s from the Balsams Resort ($450 for the summer) and International Harvester ($1k. other summers) were schedule lists of modest stock and fund holdings, Transcontinental Gas Pipeline, Draper (not Labs), Ryder (not trucks), and Ford, ... and also Mass. Investment Growth and Fidelity Trend funds, both extant.
So I went and plotted those two mutual funds from ~1959 to present, and observed how the $50 then would (reinvested, which we did not do so much) be ~$11k-$40k today.


  • From little acorns..... (you know the rest)
  • Ha, true; this wannabe slacker (not really, but aspiring) had his UAW (AFL-CIO) card and everything. Truck factory. I am impressed my father did what he did, including filling out the forms (usually typewriter), not just investing in the first place.
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