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Best Banks In America For Savings, CD's & Mortgage Rates 2018

edited July 2018 in Fund Discussions


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    1.85%, is that really the best one can do on a Savings/MM account? Missing from the list is Salem Five Direct, which yields 2.05%. The site also omits a couple of well known banks, Ally and Syncrony, that offer the same 1.75% as the second best yielding bank of those that are listed.

    Nor does it show the superior savings account rate of 1.90% of a bank that even advertises on the site: PurePoint Financial. Maybe PurePoint only paid to be listed with CD rates. Or maybe the banks shown on the savings account page paid to keep the higher rate off.

    (It's not PurePoint's $10K min that's the problem, because the savings account page lists Capital One, that also has a $10K min. Nor it is that PurePoint is not included in's site, which is the source of the data.)

    It doesn't even get the comparisons with TBTF banks correct. It shows them all yielding 0.01%. BankRate reports Citibank at 0.04% and BofA 0.03%.
  • Detail has never been Ted's strong point (and probably never will be.)
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