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Chuck Jaffe: Longtime Fund Closes As Both A Winner And Loser: Mathers Fund

edited July 2018 in Fund Discussions
FYI: ( In my opinion, this column is a direct result of the conversation that Chuck had with David Snowball on his recent show regarding the Mathers Fund)

Yes that sounds confusing, but while Mathers is a unique fund, its situation — with investors never knowing quite what to make of it — is not that uncommon in the fund world.

David Snowball On Money Life Show:


  • I looked at this ( and I think i owned it too ) years ago. Mathers preceded Hussman as a Perma Perma bear always complaining that the stock market was overvalued. Why he couldn't even beat a money market fund I don't know. Why he still has $8 million in assets is even more inexplicable
  • sma3 - see Stedman Funds, or for that matter why do people still have money laying around with Berkowitz or Hussman. Waiting to get back to even is not an investment plan.
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