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Markets Are Topping, The Bear Looms

edited July 2018 in Fund Discussions

'Seeking Alpha
Buy the rumor sell the news. Below I show a shorter term chart on the DOW (DIA) and it shows the same pattern and high volume, and also a close ...'


  • Let me know a few weeks ahead when you and Ron start to unload equity. K ???
  • I called it first! for next week ... :)
  • I'm losing hair. Baldness Pattern looms amidst high volume of nonsense. I called it a lifetime ago.
  • @VintageFreak
    Hair loss/baldness, IMHO; is a normal body function for those with very active cranial matter. Tis the body's method of protecting against overheating of the brain.
    Be assured all is well; and a good sign for you.
  • edited July 2018
    Still ~80/20 w private equities/401k... May change it to 100% stocks if DOWS drop 20s%
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