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Lewis Braham: Big Opportunities In Tiny Stocks

edited July 2018 in Fund Discussions
FYI: Lower corporate tax rates and regulatory changes are all good news for small companies. These funds are your best bets for investing in microcaps.

Academics have long claimed that the smallest stocks should beat the largest, because investors must be compensated with higher returns for the additional risks of investing in tiny, unseasoned businesses.


  • pay-wall.
  • edited July 2018
    Google the name of the article.

    He lists some of my favorite micro cap mutual funds in my possession.

  • MECAX looks very attractive, and surprisingly affordable for a fund with such a small AUM.
  • edited July 2018
    Another possibility I heard about recently - thought it might have been here @ MFO, but search doesn't bring it up - is NSDVX, North Star Dividend: $300-ish mil cap, heavy discretionary, very light financials for a small/micro, somewhat overweight staples and utes. Might be a relatively risk-averse option in the category.
  • North Star has also a micro cap value fund, NSMVX. However, I agree with Lewis on Thomson Horstmann & Bryant Microcap fund and Wasatch Micro Cap Value Fund.

    METAX is another micro cap value fund to look at.
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