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10 Mutual Funds Worthy Of July Fourth Fireworks

edited July 2018 in Fund Discussions
FYI: While the S&P 500 Index barely kept its head above water over the first six months of the year with a gain of 2.65%, the 10 best-performing domestic equity mutual funds can blast the fireworks in celebration of some really strong performance.

Source: CFRA. Excludes funds with less than $100M in assets and leveraged funds.

1. Alger Small Cap Focus (AGOZX)
2. Lord Abbett Developing Growth (LAGWX)
3. Wasatch Ultra Growth (WAMCX)
4. Driehaus Micro Cap Growth (DMCRX)
5. Morgan Stanley Mid-Cap Growth (MACGX)
6. Virtus KAR Mid-Cap Growth (PHSKX)
7. Touchstone Sands Select Growth (PTSGX)
8. Virtus KAR Small-Cap Growth (PSGAX)
9. Eventide Healthcare & Life Sciences (ETAHX)
10, Baron Opportunity Fund (BIOPX)


  • edited July 2018
    2 funds in above list weren't around at the time of the financial crisis. As per MFO, these are there DD numbers

    ETIHX -37.7%
    DMCRX -28.9%

    DD's for the rest...

    AOFIX -49.9%
    LAGWX -54.5%
    WAMCX -62.6%
    MPEGX - 63.2%
    PHSKX -77.8%
    PTSGX -49.5%
    PXSGX -46.5%
    BIOPX -48.8%

    Recently, Dr Snowball in his running commentary hinted about the amount of information overload we get on daily basis. I'm adding to that overload. Hopefully, I'm actually improving it.

    The point of the article beats me. If I want fireworks knowing I can lose 77.8% of my principal, might as well buy Bitcoin at these levels.

    SPAM is SPAM. Doesn't matter if it's on MFO. I do not need to have EVERY single link on the internet posted on MFO. Every google search from my finger tips is going to end up on MFO.


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