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Vanguard To Further Drive Down The Cost Of Investing By Broadening Commission-Free ETF Trades

edited July 2018 in Fund Discussions
FYI: Vanguard today announced substantial reductions in the cost of investing with the firm by providing commission-free online transactions for the vast majority of ETFs. Vanguard, which has offered commission-free transactions of Vanguard ETFs since 2010, is broadening access beyond the company’s 77 low-cost ETFs to nearly 1,800 offerings, including ETFs from BlackRock, Schwab, and SSgA. The program will exclude highly speculative and complex ETFs.

MarketWatch Article:


  • This may be the biggest ETF news this summer.
  • I received notification via e-mail today. I'll look closer when time permits.
  • Will likely will put pressure on other trading houses to do something similar.
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