FYI: This week, we speak with Todd Harrison, founder and portfolio manager of CB1 Capital. CB1 is a healthcare hedge fund focusing on cannabinoid-based solutions and bio-pharmaceutical applications and therapies.
Todd learned his craft on the derivatives desk at Morgan Stanley, before moving on to Galleon Group, then becoming President and Head of Trading at Cramer Berkowitz. He discusses the early days of, his relationship with Jim Cramer, and why 9/11 led to his interest in marijuana as a medical treatment.
He wrote the trading diary at, and eventually launched investor education site Minyanville. Uniquely in the world of finance, the site won an Emmy for its Hoofy & Boo characters that made finance accessible to kids.
Harrison explains how cannabinoids are changing the face of health care and medicine; the pharmaceutical industry is in the early stages of “Buy/Build” of the medical marijuana industry. He notes that Bio-Pharmaceuticals — he does not invest in recreational weed — is the focus of his fund.