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Research Affiliates: Pundits Predicting Panic In Emerging Markets

.With EM stock prices plummeting and investors fleeing EM funds, the fear of emerging markets is palpable. Our examination of three key metrics—external debt, foreign exchange reserves, and current account balance—shows, however, that EM countries have low risk of a broad funding crisis.

.EM stocks are comparatively cheap when measured by CAPE, price-to-book ratio, price-to-sales ratio, market cap to GDP, and other metrics. Now, when fear reigns supreme, it’s time to buy, not sell.


  • I have some respect for RA, but once again just as bubbles keep going, so do "value traps". Just look at $USD for god's sake. It's reversed its downtrend and international and emerging market funds are suffering.

    Even I can understand International / Emerging should be overweighted and I did. So I'm not selling my SFGIX yet but I'm hardly buying more every day it falls.
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