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M*: 5 Years Later: PIMCO Total Return

FYI: In the spring of 2013, PIMCO Total Return (PTTRX) was the world's largest mutual fund. Its fortunes were about to change, and then some. That May, the fund suffered the first of what would become 51 straight months of net outflows. PIMCO Total Return now ranks 28th in assets. It is not even the company's biggest offering, having been overtaken by PIMCO Income (PIMIX).


  • I’m can’t help but wonder if there will be similar columns five years from now about Pimco Income (PIMIX).
  • edited June 2018
    Even JR has a quota to meet. It's written in his retirement contract.

    Last July, I saw a dog crossing the street.
    This July, I thought I would see a dog again. Except I saw a cat.

    Some Julys' you see Dogs, other Julys' you see Cats. Most of the time in July you will see Dogs, but you can never tell when you will see a Cat.

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