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M*: The Great Bull Market That Everybody Missed

FYI: This may not be the best stock bull market in modern U.S. investment history. The 1950s and 1990s are formidable rivals. By any standards, though, tripling one's money in real terms, in less than a decade, rates as a great success. That this gain occurred during a period of low volatility, with few large reversals and subdued inflation, heightens the achievement.


  • Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

    "Everybody missed" is only shown in the title; and no where else in the write.
    Everybody is a difficult word to use with the subject; as to what it implies for we investors.
    "This time is different", I continue to agree with.....and I do recall this being a difficult concept to grasp from most of the talking heads in tv land for several years after the market melt. These folks need to get into the streets more often and talk with "other" folks who are not part of their inner circle of drinks at parties.
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