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M* Conference: Are Growth Strategies Poised For A Comeback?

FYI: It has been both a good and a bad time for large-growth funds. Of the nine Morningstar categories of diversified U.S. stock funds, large growth has been the best performer over the past three and five years through May 31, 2018, and the second-best (after small growth) over 10 years.


  • Huh? Growth strategies are performing badly right now, so they need to do a comeback? WTF? Waste of space and time
  • I'd start to believe and settle for a nice ten year chart related to what the author is jabbering.
    About 10 tickers on a nice chart would be nice, eh?
    Oh, well; if one has been invested in large U.S. growth for 10, 5 or 3 years you're do'in okay.
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