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Cyclical to Non-Cyclical Stock Weighting Ratio At 40 Year High

FYI: Below is an updated look at S&P 500 sector weightings. As shown, Technology now makes up more than a quarter of the pie, while Financials, Health Care, and Consumer Discretionary are the next largest sectors (in that order).


  • edited June 2018
    Note the consumer discretionary to staples ratio and the explanatory text. With staples staging a minor upturn the past couple of weeks, I decided to buy a small starter in a staples etf as a possible rebound play.

    I'm recalling one MFO poster was buying/adding to staples earlier.

    In case anyone's interested, here's Yardeni's sector piece for 2018 to date, published Monday, which has more detail on the staples sector.
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