Anyone trade Bitcoin or any crpytocurrencies? In spite of me, one of my wife's relatives thinks he has money to gamble with. So was looking to inform on appropriate brokerage (if that's even a valid term for trading crpytocurrencies).
The one place the relative mentioned was Kraken. I know that's name of some monster. Didn't want him land with the TDAmeritrade for cryptocurrency, so thought I would ask here if anyone has a recommendation on who to go with.
Thanks much.
Not unlike any "investment", knowledge is power.
The relative needs to educate himself as to the investment; regardless of where one may be able to trade this area.
The 1st, below link provides various news stories about the recent hack of a system; and I suspect this won't be the last.
I wish him "luck".
Korean cryptocurrency exchange hacked, $42b = poof
ETF's available.
Broadbased search, where to invest in cryptocurrency
This guy does not want ETFs. I would like to think I had something to do with that
So if anyone trades crptocurrencies individually and can tell me where they do so, would appreciate it.
I see there has been some bitcoin theft from coinbase few years back when I googled. I'm guessing though this is par for the course. Will check with my whatchamacallit-nephew(?) if he has heard of it.