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Ben Carlson: Experience Is Overrated

FYI: Charley Lau is widely respected in baseball circles as one of the greatest hitting coaches in the history of Major League Baseball.

His book, The Art of Hitting .300, is regarded as one of the best instructional guides into the science behind a good swing.

Here’s the problem — Lau never hit .300 in a single season during his years as a professional baseball player. In fact, his career batting average was just .255.

Experience can help in certain areas but it’s often overrated in terms of separating the winners from the losers.


  • Sorry but this is BS. It depends on what you are experienced at.
  • TedTed
    edited June 2018
    @VintageFreak: BS, it takes one to know one. You are a complete embarrassment to this board with a foul mouth. If it were up to me, you be banned !
  • Ted darling, if it were up to any human being, you would be toad who would never be kissed.
  • Err...I don't understand ribbit, ribbit with just the 2 examples you provided:

    :-( and:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(.

    So let me say some thing to you in English and then perhaps we can start constructing a grammar so humans can start understanding what you are saying.

    You are an embarassment to Biology.

    And now you say?
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