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Q&A With Joe Foster, Manager, VanEck International Investors Gold Fund: (INIVX)

FYI: VanEck International Investors Gold fund manager Joe Foster sees a coming breakout for the precious metal.

M* Snapshot INIVX:

Lipper Snapshot INIVX:

INIVX Is Ranked #3 In The (EPM) Fund Category By U. S. News & World Report:


  • Gold has been in a horrendous bear market from 2011 to 2015, and all that selling is behind us. So I don’t think there is a lot of selling pressure, and I think the downside risk is very minimal because we’ve been through that bear market.

    Huh? Forget Secretary of Education, I want this guys job. And also the job of the Barron's interviewer. Why isn't second question WTF something going down suddenly will go up?

    Oh wait...this is why...part 2 of the answer convenient before immediately going into discussing the holdings.

    Secondly, I think things are changing that favor gold. We are seeing elevated levels of geopolitical risk, a lot of uncertainty around the Trump presidency, and more recently there are early worries of inflationary pressures. ... blah, blah, blah...

    Inflationary pressures. So Gold will return how much over next 5 years?

    In the next year or two, we are going to be faced with an economic downturn and probably a general stock market downturn that will bring out a lot of the warts in the financial system—and that could propel gold much higher.

    We have a rising rate environment which should put a floor under the dollar. How's that for ANALysis. Then WTF should Gold skyrocket?

    Seriously, how do I find period of sustained downturn against how Gold did well AND also when Interest Rates are rising?
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