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  • edited May 2018
    Now if only they could run a usable website and provide consistent data feeds......
  • edited May 2018
    Not sure about the if/what/why of the "data feeds". As far as usable website is concerned this is the problem between "Computer Science" and "Information Technology". The former is based on facts and logic, while the latter is almost entirely based on horseshit.

    Companies whose primary business is not IT are trolled by IT providers who always want to tell you to revamp your IT software and hardware infrastructure because it is not "modern" or "cloud ready" or whatever the F is the flavor of the day. I thought "Web 2.0" was dead but then M* has finally woken up to it. I guess they were just waiting for their executives to be wined and dined by software companies and shown a good time in Vegas - Standard Operating Procedure - before it was agreed they needed to make changes to their website. You see a great jazzy website means you can then value yourself as a "tech" company, regardless of what your business is.

    Basically it IT industry is creating something, so now everyone has to use it. What you did 3 years back is already out of date. You see you have to be "competitive" so you have to keep spending. And oh by the way, let us tell you a secret - since we know we will convince you to move to the next version of the software soon enough, we never have to get anything right, because we will be in a perpetual cycle of upgrades to the software. And you will also be doing "Agile" development with "Devops". PERMANENTLY!

    Anyone still remember Scottrade website? The simplicity of it? The fact that it hardly changed over 20 years? Because it did not really need too? If the new M* website was toilet paper, I still wouldn't use it.
  • edited May 2018
    Speaking as a career geek (now in academia) imho, "Agile" and "DevOps" = "Deploy, Patch, Pray, Cross Fingers, Repeat" .. IMO a horrible way of doing things, but that's what the 'system' wants to do these days in the sw/dev world, so whatever. :/

    The new M* may look snazzy (to some, not me) but its interface is cumbersome and nowhere as user-friendly as it used to be in terms of presenting information to readers, especially on the stock or fund lookup pages. And it remains horrifically tracking script- and cookie-laden, too.

    Translation: I agree 100% with you!
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