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A CEO Average Joe? $11.7M

FYI: Chief executives at the biggest public companies got an 8.5 percent raise last year, bringing the median pay package for CEOs to $11.7 million. Across the S&P 500, compensation for CEOs is often hundreds of times higher than typical workers.

The pay increase matches the bump that CEOs received in 2016, according to salary, stock and other compensation data analyzed by Equilar for The Associated Pres


  • Would be good to know median pay increase for worker. Yours truly's salary in most recent job over 7 years is a grandtotal of 5.5%. So you can figure how much it is per year compared to the 8.5% per year for CEOs.

    Sometimes I wonder why workers don't all get fired. I mean why keep them around? Only to rub it in? What is more sadistic?
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