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M*: Balancing Act: Picking Actively Managed Bank-Loan Funds

FYI: In a recent article, my colleague Phillip Yoo highlighted developments and risks in the bank-loan market, including rising leverage ratios, the proliferation of so-called “covenant-light” loans, and the liquidity risk inherent to the asset class. These challenges all have implications for how we evaluate actively managed funds in the bank-loan Morningstar Category.

M* Bank Loan Fund Returns:$FOCA$BL.aspx


  • Amazing how they missed SPFRX. The best of the breed by a mile, IMHO.
  • @wxman123. Whoa! Unbelievable chart. Regardless M* willfully ignores, does not miss. How dare you suggest they don't know about the fund!


    I wonder if I should buy. Maybe just $100 at Schwab. Then something will go wrong with the fund. I love you all invested in SPFRX too much to do that. I do feel pretty lame about owning PRFRX for my MIL though.
  • I feel very good about SPFRX. American Beacon has been doing a nice job snatching up private strategies with great long term records. Speaking of which just initiated a starter position in TFGPX. Best of luck.
  • Just curious. American Beacon hires outside managers I think for most part. Are you researching the managers or are you trusting American Beacon's ability to find outside managers, or something else. Asking because both funds you found are from American Beacon
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