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Was buying on May 20, a bit stinky May 23 morning. Pre-holiday positioning to sell by Friday.....?

edited May 2018 in Fund Discussions

---May 20, Sunday evening. Buying go'in on to position to sell into the holiday weekend, eh?
What do I know.............nothing about these futures moves; but curious none the less.
Let me know about the "good news" part, thank you.
Good night.....


  • ---May 23, Wednesday, 6am. Pretty smelly on a global scale. I'll leave the same link for a view of Asia and Europe, other. Perhaps Europe and U.S. will turn things around before their market closes.
  • My models told me to allocate 10% from cash to equity in my retirement accounts a couple of days back. THAT is the reason Market is going down. Geopolitics...bah!

    But I'm going to use any downturn to look into buying more of what I own in taxable accounts. Let the market come to me!
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